Trademark: TM40
Title: Wentworth County Libraries System
Year: 1978
Designer: Anton Tielemans
Studio: Anton Tielemans (Freelance)
Client: Wentworth County Libraries System
Sector: Education
Title: Wentworth County Libraries System
Year: 1978
Designer: Anton Tielemans
Studio: Anton Tielemans (Freelance)
Client: Wentworth County Libraries System
Sector: Education
A logo designed for the Wentworth County Libraries System created by (then) Sheridan College design student Anton Tielemans.
Set as an assignment to the 1978 senior class of graphic design, the winning icon was selected by the Wentworth board, and depicts three books on a shelf, coming together to create the initial W.
The logo continued to serve the county until Wentworth and Dundas libraries amalgamated in 2001, forming a single system of 23 branches, 34 bookmobile stops, a virtual online branch and a Visiting Library Service for the homebound.